What is your impression about a supplier who will give you on a trade fair plenty of thick printed catalogues which look professionally, however, later on you find out they are more of a nuisance? Have you got a problem to take them from a stand into your office, to store them when you have many supplier and not enough space and you would like to keep your office tidy and in order? How to look up in them a necessary information? What if you plan to do more visits like this one on this trade fair? Do not let this happen to your customers! Try to capture your customer attention by creative presentation with the usage of up-to-date multimedia and audio-visual technologies and step out of the uninteresting line of your competitors. Let´s emphasise portfolio of your company, priorities of your top technologies, systems and products. Multimedia presentation belongs among a very often used form of presentation. It finds its application as a cheap and very efficient instrument of promotion. It is efficient mainly because it can carry all information in all forms about your company and offered pruducts.
Multimedia presentation can contain company video, product lists, electronic catalogues of products, certificates, technical data, company information and other important data you waould like to announce. It can be of course produced in different languages or their combinations.
Advantage of multimedia presentation is a flexible data update, large ammount of cointained information, easy, quick and cheap duplication, which can be even realized in your office. This presentation also works positively with overall company image and, therefore, classifies the company among the strong ones in the branch.
Multimedia presentation has, compared to thick, printed catalogues, several important perfections. These can be for example easy storage nad transportation. These multimedia can be nowadays easily duplicated thanks to inexpensive technologies and according to your requirements directly in your office. Therefore, you do not have to order large quantities of printed catalogues, which means promotinal savings.