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Marketing video

Company video

Company video belongs among the most frequently-used forms of promotion. It can be used at business meetings, trade fairs, company presentations when applying for grants or loans, and also during archiving of company development for next generation.

Company video can have two forms. In first case it can guide the viewer through your company – from sales department, production, quality department and finished products up to expedition itself. The video emphasizes the priorities of your top technologies, systems, products as well as your company targets. Advantage is that the customer does not have to go through production environment and process, Also, the customer is not put at risk in production process and there are no violations of safety standards. Moreover, the main advantage of company video is not a disclosure of trade secret, which could be revealed in case of entering a person with no permission at working place. Second option is to emphasize particular aims and targets in your company, such as team work, accuracy in production process etc. In this fillm are not used employees, nor company premises, but professional actors, acresses and usually non-company places, such as cafés, airports, households etc. The aim of this film is introduction of specific idea of philosophy.

Part of this film can be also a multimedia CD/DVD that will include another technical data. Nowadays we are able to produce and deliver all programmes in more than fifteen languages. Cz, Sk, En, De, Sk, Pl, I, Fr, Rus, Hu, Bg, Hr, Slo, Ua, E, … Most of these mutations are dubbed directly in our studio or, eventually, in our partnership studios according to particular language.

Customer, thanks to this company video, gets overall string of information you want to deliver. Therefore, a lot of insufficiency, which could happen in oral promotion, is eliminated.


“As for the hearing, customer is able to remember up to 30% information, but his sight records much more and that is 50% of what he/she sees. What is visually perceived enough stays longer in everyone´s memory. ”

Rolf Leicher

Product film

Product film is focused on a specific product of your company. It emphasizes not only all advantages and perfections of your product, but as well its function, application or utilization. Besides, it can even emphasizes the purpose of your product´s application and its competitive advantage compared to others. This film can inform a customer about the technical perfections as well as service life of particular product. Interesting information is a notice or add-on how your product can influence environment. The film can also compare your product assortment and, eventually, show which product is the most suitable for individual customer.

This film, for better imagination, can also include 2D and 3D animations, where its application or utilization is introduced and anylysed more specifically and precisely.

Part of this film can be also a multimedia CD/DVD that will include another technical data. Nowadays we are able to produce and deliver all programmes in more than fifteen languages. Cz, Sk, En, De, Sk, Pl, I, Fr, Rus, Hu, Bg, Hr, Slo, Ua, E, … Most of these mutations are dubbed directly in our studio or, eventually, in our partnership studios according to particular language.

Instructional and training programmes

Instructional and training programmes will easily and quickly show the function and application of your products.

They train users for its quick and easy application or, eventually, show first steps while using your product. This film, for better imagination, can also include 2D and 3D animations, where its application or utilization is introduced and anylysed more specifically and precisely.

Personal video

This kind of film finds its main use in human resources. For to-be employees arranges virtual tour in company, so they can make their own image about the company whose part they can become. Another very important factor is obtaining maximum ammount of information from overall and in advance prepared string that will help candidate with choice of vacant and available working positions or, in case of need, intruduce the candidate requirements for particular position.

Main advantage for employers is time saving, which can be even in tens of hours for one working position. Undoubtedly, among other advantages count a fact that entire consultation is set in one room only. Mezi další nesporné výhody patří skutečnost, že veškerá konzultace, možná již s budoucím zaměstnancem, se odehrává v jediné místnosti. Personnel officer does not have to give the employee a tour in the company, various departments or premises. Therefore, unintentional disclosuse of trade secret can be avoided as well as health and safety of the candidate or violating work safety at working place. Candidate sees and hears only what is necessary and what we want to inform him about.

Thanks to this fil is also eliminated possibility of employee misunderstanding on position that he has chosen. Therefore, we prevent extra costs that could arise after on-the-job training.

Other promotional materials

In terms of your promotional campaign we can offer complete full service from graphic design up to realization the whole campaign. We arrange you company identity and propose complete company design for it. It means design of logo, business cards, headed paper, internet websites as well as promotion articles and large-screen advertisement.